Govt to electronically tag more prisoners
The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) says electronic monitoring has been a success and will be extended to other offenders.
Electronic monitoring was introduced in February this year as part of a pilot project using certain categories of inmates placed on parole.
Eighty-nine offenders were tagged during the first phase which ended in March and more taggings will be carried out to reach the 150 target set by the department.
“It is our view, that the pilot has been a resounding success, and that it is time to extend electronic monitoring to other categories of offenders, including offenders still serving custodial sentences in our centres. It is our plan that this roll out should be finalised in this financial year,” said Correctional Services minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, during her budget vote speech.
So far 106 offenders had been tagged and Mapisa-Nqakula also revealed the department would propose the use of electronic monitoring as part of alternative sentencing for minor offences.
“This will ensure that only those who have committed serious offences serve a custodial sentence,” she said.
In December 2011, the department awarded the R6.5 million tender for the year-long pilot project to Engineered Systems Solutions (ESS). The local company has a footprint in Israel where this particular monitoring system has been developed and tested under the 3M brand.
Since December, the company has established a centralized control room in Pretoria and is also responsible for training DCS officials in managing the control room.
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Be naughty | GET TAGGED as a friend by the CORRECTIONAL SERVICE…. C government is catching up quick with social networking…lol
Gud 1!